Mike, Michelle, Kat & Dean

AWOL only has one agenda, and that is to have fun however you care to define it.  You have the freedom to make the most of your vacation, whether that be enjoying the beautiful, white beaches and blue water, or partying with us in the Nude Pool. Our group has a wonderful mix of Hedo virgins and Hedo veterans that range in age from 20s to 60s.

It is important to us that you not only enjoy your vacation but also feel like part of the AWOL family. We hold an AWOL meet-and-greet, have an AWOL exclusive nude booze cruise, and an AWOL family group dinner. When you book your vacation through AWOL you are invited to join our private Facebook page so that you get a chance to meet people before you arrive. You can participate in as much as you like or as little as you like, it’s your vacation.

We like to consider you "friends we have not met yet" instead of strangers. So if you have any specific questions about our group or the resort, please do not hesitate to ask. 

Email us at mikemichelleawol@gmail.com

Mike & Michelle

Mike and Michelle have been vacationing at Hedonism resorts since 2005. They discovered AWOL in 2016 and have been traveling with them ever since.  They are often referred to as Metal Mike and Glitter Tits.  Two nicknames that are well-deserved and need no explanation!

Dean & Kathyi

Dean and Kathyi have been coming to Hedonism II since 2011 and joined AWOL in 2018.    Don't pass up on the opportunity to ask Kathyi about her adventures in trying unique and hard to find beers!